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It’s so easy to drop money on new clothes, a fancy dinner or a night out — and while all these things can give you a buzz, there’s nothing quite like investing in your wellbeing.

Recently, I was lucky enough to spend a day at the stunning Bird In Hand winery to rejuvenate with a Susara Wellness Day. The baby of Dr Susan Nugent and Sarah Skeats, Susara is all about blending ancient ways and modern medicine to help you connect, align and nourish yourself with their events and retreats, which all feature different combinations of immersive wellness activities, including yoga, sound bath, qi gong and other practices. Pair those good vibes with the stunning location, Bird In Hand Winery in the Adelaide Hills, and you know you’re in for a real treat.

Here’s how it went…

I won’t lie — I felt anxious about taking a whole day out of work, and after our classic morning routine of kids losing shoes, not liking what I put in their lunchboxes and rushing to get to school before the bell, I was feeling a little frazzled. Even though I knew it was going to be beautiful, I felt guilty about not continuing on with life and work. Just like I’m sure we all feel at times, I felt bad about getting off the constant busy train of life.

But driving up the hill to the immaculate winery, I was greeted by women who felt like old friends and participants who were all there to embrace the journey of looking after themselves, and I slowly felt myself start to unwind.

I nervously took my place on a mat in the Bird In Hand Gallery for our first session of yoga with Sarah Corbett from Human.Kind, but no one was there to judge each other’s Tree Pose. We were all just there to tap into that connection between the body and the mind — and doing it all overlooking the stunning property, I felt the the last knots in my tummy finally release.

We took a break in the brand-new accommodation section of the winery to enjoy a selection of invigorating teas, coffee and bites for morning tea before returning to the Gallery for sound therapy. I’d never even heard of sound therapy so I was unsure of what to expect but I was instantly put at ease by Ahylia Lucille Horsfall from Radiance Sound Yoga — and for my part, it was effortless!

As we all lay on our mats, supported with blankets and cushions, Ahylia started playing the most eclectic mix of global instruments and singing. She had assured us that each person would experience something different and I felt myself drifting off into a deeply healing meditative state — pretty remarkable for someone who struggles to sit still or meditate despite years of practice. Others in the group spoke of seeing colours and feeling vibrations and feeling so connected to the sensations during the session.

We then nourished our bodies with a mouth-watering nutritious lunch and took time out with a leisurely walk around the property, where I noticed how different I felt. I was able to take in the surrounding nature, conversations with others and my own thoughts. I had finally switched off, I felt present and a world away from the ball of stress who had rocked up that morning.

The afternoon was topped off on the patio, indulging in delicious wine and a platter in the sunshine. When I drove out that afternoon, I could not believe how much lighter I felt. Having carved out some time to stop and indulge in things purely for my body and mind was an invaluable way to spend a day.

And the effects reverberated throughout the rest of the week. Of course, I went back to busy life the moment I picked up my two young kids, but I felt calmer and less like I’d crack when one spilt their entire drink over the couch and I stepped on yet another piece of Lego in the lounge room.

What an incredible day…  I truly felt the magic of slowing down to connect with myself again.

Em xx

For more information on Susara Wellness Events and Retreats, visit the website.


Em Worthington

Em Worthington

Writer and Content Creator for Adelady, her heart starts racing at the sight of a whiteboard or mere mention of a brainstorm.

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