
mummy-iddy-bitty-bites-kimbo-For four and a half years we worked with Kimberley at SAFM. Every day she would bring in delicious treats for everyone to share. And every day we would beg her for her recipes! So we’re extremely excited that she’s finally started her own food blog – Iddy Bitty Bites! It would have been selfish not to!

As a mum of three-year-old twin boys, Kim is growing to embrace the phrase ‘I’m hungry’ into her everyday vernacular. Her passion is baking, cooking and creating and she especially loves producing new recipes to feed two hungry little tummies. She’s not about chia seeds and quinoa. She’s about ease and simplicity. These two words are the basis of every recipe she will share with us.  She says “There’s nothing worse than spending hours slaving away in the kitchen missing out on quality time you can spend with your kids.”

Kim hopes you get as much enjoyment out of her recipes as her two little boys do! Enjoy x




I don’t know about your kids but mine are totally chicken nugget obsessed. I think as parents we all shudder at the thought of what the hell is pumped into these little ‘golden nuggety gems’. I’d actually love to know how much of the standard ‘chicken nugget’ is actually ‘chicken’. So, when your kids ask you for chicken nuggets don’t drive to Maccas – spend 10 minutes to whip these up. They are tasty, crunchy and golden and I go pretty close to guaranteeing that your kids will ask you to make these again!


  • 500g skinless chicken breasts
  • 3 cups of cornflakes
  • 1/2 cup parmesan
  • 2 eggs whisked
  • 1 avocado

Slice up the chicken into chicken nugget style shapes. In a separate bowl crush the cornflakes and sprinkle over the parmesan. Whisk 2 eggs in a bowl. Dip the nuggets into the egg then coat with the cornflake coating.

For 15 minutes in a 180 degree oven. Serve with mashed avocado




These my friends are TASTY. Super easy but they pack an absolute flavour punch. They make look a little ordinary but they are the shizzle! The best bit is that there’s minimal ingredients too so that makes life easier when you’re in a hurry. These little pies are great to freeze too so you can make up a stack and defrost them when you’re short on time.


  • 1 can of cream of chicken soup
  • 1 cup of frozen mixed diced vegetables
  • 1 cup cut up cooked chicken (grab a chook from the supermarket and cut it up if you’re short on time)
  • 1 sheet of light puff pastry cut into 6 squares

Spray a silicone or muffin tin and line with the puff pastry. In a bowl, mix the soup, veggies and chicken. Spoon the mixture into each of the pastry cups.

For 20 minutes at 180 degrees. If you take these pies out of the oven and their bottoms aren’t cooked, take them out of the muffin tins – pop them on a baking tray and cook for an additional 5-10 minutes.




Trust me- you’ll make this and your friends will think you’re the most talented cook they’ve ever laid their eyes on. Keep this a closely guarded secret and let them think you’re truly spectacular! This is THE easiest and the absolute favourite recipe I make. It’s not necessarily a recipe for ‘kids’ but rather one the whole family can enjoy. I bet you eat half the slab yourself!


  • 1 packet of Sao biscuits
  • 1 packet of vanilla instant pudding (refer to pic below – you’ll find this in the jelly aisle)
  • 600ml cream
  • 2 cups icing sugar
  • 3 tablespoons of milk (a splash more if required)
  • coconut to decorate


Lay 12 biscuits out in a pre lined slice tray (as pictured). Put the cream and the instant pudding in a bowl and mix until thick (this should be like mousse consistency).

Spoon the creamy mixture over the Sao biscuits and cover with another 12 biscuits (as pictured)

iddy-bitty-bites-vanilla-slice-3 iddy-bitty-bites-vanilla-slice-2

Mix the icing sugar and milk in a bowl and drizzle the icing over the top until all of the Sao biscuits are covered.

Sprinkle with coconut. Let set overnight if possible (if not, at least 8 hours to soften the biscuits)

Then slice into squares!



These little balls of chocolaty hazelnutty bliss are the most simple to make and hit the spot when you’re after a teeny sugar hit. Most kids love Nutella (as do their parents)- come on, who hasn’t secretly scooped out a spoonful thinking nobody is watching?! I’ve learnt the worst part of trying to ‘secretly shovel Nutella’ is that is smears over your teeth making it particularly difficult to hold a conversation whilst pretending you have nothing in your mouth…

iddy-bitty-bites-kiddy-ferrero-rochers-2 iddy-bitty-bites-kiddy-ferrero-rochers-1


  • 1 cup rice bubbles
  • 1 cup sultanas
  • 1 large Tablespoon Nutella

Blitz the sultanas in a whiz until smooth. Mix in the sultanas and the nutella and roll into small-ish balls