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By Hayley Pearson

candd; dream big; hayley pearson; lauren de cesare, adelady

I’ve always been a dreamer. Some people might roll their eyes at me when I say, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. But, I really do believe that no dream is too big. If you want something, go and bloody-well get it! Or at least try.

This time last year, I was in a very different headspace. I was eight months pregnant, anxious and panicking at the pressure of my brekky radio job.

Since doing my Year 10 work experience at an Adelaide radio station, I wanted to be a breakfast radio presenter. I worked my bum off to get there and I did it! It was amazing. But after four and a half years at the helm, I was ready to have a break. I felt like the world was on my shoulders.

This year, with a new baby and a new mission to focus on my family and my health, I created a new dream — Adelady.

Eight months ago, I sat at Nature’s Providore with my beautiful friend and ex-radio producer, Lauren, chatting about this ‘website’ we wanted to create together.

Like me, she’s a dreamer too. No idea is too big. We get excited over the tiniest things too, like pineapples and colourful pants. That’s why we’re kindreds.

candd; dream big; hayley pearson; lauren de cesare, adelady

Adelady is all about sharing the best of Adelaide – it’s EVERYTHING you’re into. We’ve worked so hard to make our dream come true and it’s ridiculous how proud we are of what “our baby” has already become.

I’ve been dreaming BIG since I took my first breath and I’ll continue to do it for the rest of my life. I have no choice. I have too many voices in my head telling me what to do. Hashtag, I’m a bit nuts.

So this couldn’t be more fitting — we are the faces behind this DREAM BIG charm, by Adelaide’s newest jewellery brand, Candid.

candd; dream big; hayley pearson; lauren de cesare, adeladyCandid connects real people with real-life moments. The pieces provide snapshots of the kaleidoscope of moments in life — the good and bad, highs and lows, joy and sorrow, and everything in between.

It’s designed and distributed here in Adelaide by a fabulous Adelady, Jen Burch. The complete range is made up of gorgeous discs and charms, crafted in solid sterling silver, with yellow or rose gold plating — it’s heaven!

The Dream Big charm is a little sterling silver delight. It’s gorgeous, fun, SA-designed and exudes ridiculous amounts of inspiration. It couldn’t be more “Adelady” if it tried.

There are some great people and incredible stories connected to each charm, which we can’t wait to share with you. I’m also proud to represent another charm, reflecting a more serious and emotional period in my life. I’ll share that with you soon.

But for now… let’s all surround ourselves with our best friends, throw confetti in the air and DREAM BIG!

Hayley xx

candd; dream big; hayley pearson; lauren de cesare, adelady


:: Photos by the amazing @bradgriffinphotography ::

Hayley Pearson

Hayley Pearson

Co-Creator and Writer for Adelady, she still gets goosebumps that she’s combined her creative passion with sharing the best of her stunning home state.


  • Kerrin says:

    Hayley, thank you for sharing your story! I’m so beyond crazy happy that you & Lauren started Adelady! For years I’ve been saying how awesome SA is, how we have great food, fun & fantastic everything (I needed another F word that wasn’t a swear one)! My mates always tease me saying I’m a walking billboard for South Aussie Love, so I can not begin to tell you how thrilled I am for you both! You are both amazing, always remember that & thank you for reminding us to dream big!!

    • Hayley Pearson says:

      Oh you are so lovely!! thanks so much!!! We are all about sharing the best of SA so feel free to be a guest blogger! xxx

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