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It’s fair to say that Christiane is a Brazilian Goddess. She’s beautiful inside and out. She’s one of those women who glows, even when she’s not pregnant! Christiane Duigan is Clean & Lean’s cover girl, a full-time mum, wife to celebrity trainer James Duigan and the Director of Bodyism Global. She works with leading nutrition specialists from across the globe to continuously evolve the Clean & Lean health supplement range.

So we thought, let’s pin her down and find out her secret!

Hayley xx

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Do you follow any specific way of eating?

I follow the Clean & Lean Diet, created by my husband James. Clean & Lean cuts out toxic food and encourages an organic (if you can), locally produced diet rich in vegetables, lean protein and healthy fats. There’s no calorie counting, measuring food or going hungry.


Why: Toxic food stresses your body and encourages it to cling to fat, feel tired and crave sugary pick-me-ups. A toxic body will find it difficult to digest or retain nutrients properly.

Everyone talks about ‘superfoods’ and we’re constantly told different information as to which foods are the best for us. What do you think are the most nutritious foods and how do you fit them in to your diet and lifestyle? 

Well, here are a few of my faves and they are all delicious and good for you!


Cinnamon’s most amazing property is that it can regulate blood-sugar levels (therefore hunger and cravings) and bad cholesterol. It’s also an anti- inflammatory so it can help with aches and pains. I sprinkle it in my coffee.


It’s antiviral, an antioxidant, and helps lower bad cholesterol. Garlic is also a great tool for weight loss. The most effective way to eat it is by crushing it up – the more finely crushed the better as it releases two fat burning enzymes.


These are good for snacking on – loaded with disease-fighting antioxidants, as well as anti-cancer properties


Eggs help you build muscle because they’re such a great source of protein. They also help you stay fuller for longer and several studies show that people who have eggs for breakfast tend to be slimmer and have fewer sugar cravings. Most of the nutrients are found in the yolk, including vitamin B12, which helps the body metabolise fat, so don’t be tempted to have an egg-white omelette.


A great monounsaturated fat that has been shown to lower cholesterol and helps your body work off belly fat. I have one most days with breakfast or as a snack with oatcakes. To fit them into my diet I take our amazing supplements, which I created with leading nutrition specialists from across the globe for busy people. They contain so many amazing ingredients and are a quick way to stay super healthy.

And finally, before we let you go – is there a special food that can make us look as beautiful and glowing as you do? (please say yes)

Haha my pick is Beauty Food, which has marine collagen peptides, a powerful anti-aging protein and potent antioxidants including green tea extract and super greens such as spinach, broccoli and barley grass.

Thanks Chris, I’ll get off you now, so you can breath. 

Girls, for more of this gorges woman, check out this read…

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