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Guest blog by –  Lauren Hunt :: Teacher Types


Picture this…

Last night you were up just about every hour. If you got a block of two hours sleep you were lucky.

There are Duplo pieces, ugg boots, books, cushions and baby toys all over the floor. Half started craft projects, scissors, pieces of paper and sticky tape are on the play mat (because Miss 3 has just discovered the joys of cutting).

Dishes piled high. This morning’s Weet-bix is hardening in the breakfast bowls.

Soooo much washing to be done; baskets are half full, there’s some in the machine, some on the line (damn it’s starting to rain), and soooo much more to be folded and put away (no way would you bother ironing it!).

Baby purees to make. Preschooler’s pinwheels to bake.

You haven’t cleaned the bathroom (properly) in forever, and when you had visitors yesterday you just give the sink a quick wipe down with a baby wipe.

A to do list as long as your arm (in the notes section of your phone so you don’t forget things). Blog posts to write, products to photograph for Instagram, reviews to write. Oh and there’s those Facebook comments to respond to – people will think you’re a jerk!

Maybe you’ve taken on too much this month??

You’ve found yourself exclusively expressing BM for the baby and you really need to get started on his next stash.

Baby wakes up… DAMN! You really needed him to sleep longer than 45 minutes so you cuddle him back to sleep. The never ending battle in your head of routine vs self settling vs cuddling to sleep.

You hand your three year old the iPad. Tell her to pick something from her special folder because you know those apps are at least a bit educational. You really need her to be quiet so he’ll stay asleep, at least for another 15 minutes.

The bins need to be brought in.

You promised Miss 3 that we’d borrow some new toys from the toy library today but they’ll be closing soon. And the library books are over due.

Oh yeah and your husband said when leaving for work this morning “If you get a chance today maybe you could do some weeding?” YEAH RIGHT!!


Newsflash mums: some days you just can’t do it all!

I’m telling myself that it’s OK to have a lazy day from time to time. Being lazy is just the most glorious feeling when you give yourself permission. Baby in arms, remote in hand watching the day time reruns of The Bachelor, phone near by for social media scrolling, and the big kid curled up under a warm blanket playing the Mister Maker app making beautiful glittery pictures.

Just taking a breath.

This is maternity leave. Well this is what my maternity leave looks like. I’m in the thick of it. They say the first year of becoming a parent is the hardest, but I think the first year of having two is harder. Three fold.

If it wasn’t for my coffee addition, some days I wouldn’t leave the house. Especially since the 7-month-old baby hates the car and screams like you wouldn’t believe.

So people ask me “Are you enjoying your maternity leave”, and I’m over here like “I’m drowning!”. But the lazy days make it easier. Family support makes it easier. Miss 3 having a day or two at Child Care makes it easier. Friends who send you text messages to check in make it easier. Coffee makes it easier.

And for me, writing about it makes it easier.


Lauren is mother of two and an early years teacher from Adelaide SA. She blogs about all things early learning and parenting over


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