By Adelady Guest Blogger – Emilie Harrison
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If there’s one person who loves Christmas it’s me. Food, drinks, decorations, gift-giving, parties, family craziness, mess, chaos, afternoon naps… heck, I love it all. Throw in a good dose of Maria Carey’s ‘All I Want for Christmas’ on repeat from December 1 and you had me at hello.
It goes without saying that the festive season brings with it certain challenges. How do you best navigate the vortex that is family all while remaining Switzerland? How do you enjoy all the drinks your heart desires without ending up in the naughty corner? How do you handle the barrage of questions from long lost relatives? I come armed with the answers!
First though, let me point out I’m not writing this pretending to be some holy Christmas angel. I’ve had my fair share of faux pas over the years, however I feel that I’ve come out the other side wiser and much better prepared. So please, sit back, Christmas cocktail in hand, and digest my tips for keeping it together this Christmas. My bet is you’ll come out the other side a shining beacon for those to follow.
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Festive Tip #1: Spacers are your BEST friend
Staying hydrated from start to finish is by far the best advice I can give. Start your morning with a big glass of water and keep em’ coming throughout the day. You’ll be your own hero if you do.
Festive Tip #2: You can never be too prepared
Always have a few token gifts in your cupboard or handbag. We all receive unexpected gifts from the Oprah’s among us so save yourself any embarrassment and be prepared.
Festive Tip #3: Smile through the pain
A smile is all you need to get you through the pain of distant family members reminiscing about how ‘knee high to a grasshopper’ you used to be. Whack a smile on that dial and push right through. The pain won’t last forever.
Festive Tip #4: Be thankful!
It’s easy to come across as ungrateful at Christmas but how many soaps, hand lotions or lip balms can one person receive?! Always be appreciative of the gifts you’re given, even if they end up in the bottom of the bathroom draw. You never know, they may come in handy one day.
Festive Tip #5: There’s nothing wrong with sitting on the fence
When it comes to family politics Christmas can bring out the best (and worst) in people. I come from a big family so I’ve learned over the years to pick your battles. When it comes to who made the best gravy or roasted the best Turkey my advice is to sit square in the middle and give everyone the warm fuzzies (unless of course you like to stir that big old pot).
I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas and a safe & fabulous New Year.
Emilie x
Spot on!!!! Your Uncle Andy is in town ?