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By Mrs Clean and Lean – Christiane Duigan

eggy avo; adelady; clean and lean

My favourite recipe right now… Eggy Avo!

Clean & Lean cuts out toxic food and encourages an organic (where possible), locally produced diet; rich in vegetables, lean protein and healthy fats.

This delicious eggy avo recipe follows all those principals. It’s about easy, simple, healthy mindful eating that makes you happy, which can then empower you to make mindful eating, exercise and lifestyle decisions for the long term.


Eggy Avo


1 large avocado

1 small free range egg

1/2 chilli chopped

1/2 garlic clove, grated

Sprinkle of parmesan cheese

Salt and pepper to taste


1. Preheat oven to 120.C and line a baking tray.

2. Cut Avocado in half, remove seed. Season the avocado and sprinkle the chilli, garlic and salt and pepper.

3. Crack the egg inside the hole.

4. Place in the oven and bake until you get the egg you desire. Sprinkle with remaining toppings and enjoy.

OPTIONAL: Try a slice of smoked salmon and fresh dill inside instead.


Christiane xx

For more of these delicious recipes go to

Hayley Pearson

Hayley Pearson

Co-Creator and Writer for Adelady, she still gets goosebumps that she’s combined her creative passion with sharing the best of her stunning home state.

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